The Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF III) was convened on 17-18 October 2023, in Beijing. More than twenty heads of State and Government have attended to this Forum, jointly with high level representatives of more than 150 countries have attended to the 3rd Forum under the leadership of CCP General Secretary and President XI Jinping. A more recent agreement between China and the EU in regard to five thousand trains along the first nine months of 2024 poses formidable challenges from an integral logistic viewpoint.
General goals of the Belt and Road transport corridors: They have the potential to substantially improve trade, foreign investment and the living conditions of citizens in participating countries. Increasing transparenecy for public work contracts and standardisation will improve the efficiency of the BR Initiative. The main goals of BR Initiative are expand and strengthen International Trade, fight against poverty, Improve debt sustainability by lowering risks linked to the re-distribution from logistic nodes, mitigate environmental impact, and improve infrastructures for cities and communities.
Our contribution: We can contribute by developing visualization tools for smart grids, promoting OpenLabs for sharing information, giving support to SMEs at logistic centers, developing models and software tools for interoperability by adopting standards, customizing solutons for each logistic center, and helping to solve bottlenecks risking the efficiency of solutions. If you are interested, please send a message to