The recent threats by the new US government to international trade and overseas production suggest the development of alternative strategies to deal with the possible consequences. The addition of new Far Eastern countries to the China-led free trade zone (a total of eleven now) motivates strategic decisions regarding investment and trade with these countries.
China’s leadership motivates a careful examination of the sectors with the greatest capacity for growth by 2025. Some of the most relevant topics promoted by Chinese authorities for the current year are linked to Green Energy, Electric Vehicles, AI, Healthcare, and Advanced Manufacturing. All of them present new opportunities for foreign investment and innovation.
The rapid incorporation of advanced research into industrial processes is the key to productivity improvements. Process optimization and, more recently, the increasing use of AI tools to the information flow managed by Data Mining provide added value with almost immediate profitability in semi-automated processes. From our company we can apply AI methods adapted to the needs of each company or operator. Please, contact us with your needs and we will speak about possible developments to be accomplished.
Import control system (ICS2) fthrough railway for the EU
From 1 September 2025, there will be meaningful changes in EU’s Import Control System 2 (ICS2) requirements involving rail imports. This modificaiton has implications for economic operators that import goods to the EU. It will be necessary to include a complete commercial description, an HS6 digit commodity code, and additional details of the involved parties, such as the buyer and seller. In this way, one intendes to improve the safety and security in rail transportation. Economic operators must be ready to adapt themselves to the new requirements, by asking additional details to their customers, and provideing adequate training to their staff.
Sustainable Logistics Meeting. Madrid November 2024
l martes 12 de Noviembre de 9h 30m a 14h 30m tendrá lugar una Jornada sobre «Logística Sostenible: Transición Energética e Innovación» en el Auditorio del Instituto de Comercio Exterior (ICEX). Esta Jornada está orientada hacia la presentación de las perspectiva actuales, los modelos de negocio y la preparación para el transporte del mañana. La Jornada está organizada por la Plataforma Tecnológica Española Logistop con el patrocinio del Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa.
On Tuesday, November 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., a Conference on «Sustainable Logistics: Energy Transition and Innovation» will take place in the Auditorium of the Foreign Trade Institute (ICEX). This Conference is oriented towards the presentation of current perspectives, business models and preparation for the transportation of tomorrow. The Conference is organized by the Spanish Technology Platform Logistop with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business.
11月12日星期二上午9点30分至下午2点30分,“可持续物流:能源转型与创新”会议将在对外贸易学院(ICEX)礼堂举行。本次会议旨在介绍当前的观点、商业模式以及为未来的运输做好准备。该会议由西班牙技术平台 Logistop 主办,并得到经济、商业和商业部的赞助。
Some events to be held in Madrid and Barcelona
Tomorrow Building World Congress: location-icon05 – 07 Nov 2024. More info in iconBarcelona, Spain
Smart City Expo World Congress: location-icon05 – 07 Nov 2024.More info in iconBarcelona, Spain
CONSTRUTEC location-icon05 – 08 Nov 2024. More info in iconMadrid, Spain
Simo Education: location-icon19 – 21 Nov 2024. More info in iconMadrid, Spain
Billateral collaboration
Beyond the protocol statements, Pedro Sánchez’s recent visit to Beijing and meetings with the Chinese government has several readings. The most immediate affects how to mitigate the adverse effects of possible sanctions by the Chinese government on Spanish exports as a response to EU sanctions to China. It is important to try to defuse a trade war in which the first victims are the EU countries. We lose an important market at the expense of protectionism that leverages relative weakness due to lack of coordination, high costs and a problem of scale.
Even more important is the exploration of areas where effective collaboration can be achieved in technological and logistical fields. Spain’s privileged position as a hub for the EU, Africa and Latin America is the most important asset to play. It is necessary a change of mind to improve the mutual understaning, to be extended to third countries, also.
We hope that the signed action protocols will allow progress in these and other areas for mutual benefit, as soon as possible..
黄金签证允许您通过购买至少 50 万欧元的房地产来获得居留许可。欧盟中唯一支持这一选择的政府是西班牙、希腊和马耳他。就马耳他而言,最低金额更高。所获得的财产必须以自然人名义,并且必须在至少 3 年(希腊)和 5 年(西班牙)的期限内保持不出售。黄金签证对感兴趣的人及其家人有效。
迫于欧盟压力,西班牙政府已宣布压制这一可能性,但仍有可能开展该行动。就西班牙而言,一旦进行收购,必须向西班牙驻华大使馆(北京)或西班牙驻华领事馆之一(广州、上海)提交申请黄金签证的文件。 获得签证需要每年在所购房产中居住至少一个月。
获得居留权后,外国人在西班牙的居留期限可以延长至超过 3 个月。它还允许根据欧盟的一般限制或每个国家的具体限制,在申根区三十个国家中的任何一个国家进行投资。西班牙与拉丁美洲拥有广泛的商业和金融网络。如果您需要更多详细信息,请发送消息至 与我联系
New Company Law in China
Next July 1, 2024, the new Company Law comes into force in the People’s Republic of China. Some of the objectives of this law are homogenization in the treatment of Chinese and foreign companies. The aim is to align these regulations with the Commercial Law that governs other Western countries, as well as commonly accepted norms within comparable International Law. This is intended to improve some of the difficulties that appeared in relation to previous legislation.
Some of the most relevant innovations affect contributions of social capital, business management, or transfers of Capital and Liquidation. All of them have tax implications and improvements in governance, including stricter transparency controls. The application of this new regulation may mean a slowdown or increase in the number of administrative procedures for carrying out activities in China. Therefore, it is advisable to reach agreements with companies of a similar or complementary nature (in terms of Joint Ventures), especially in Special Economic Zones (SEZ).
Chinese autos in Spain
Brands such as Aiways, BYD, DFSK, Green Tour, JAC, Lynk&Co, Maxus, MG, Seres, and SWM already sell directly in Spain and Latin America, with some models (changan, Exeed, Haval H6, Hirey Tiggo 8 Pro Max, Omoda C5, Exeed LX, Geely Coolray, Gac Emzom, Changan CS15 between others), to the possibility of configuring, reserving and purchasing vehicles online. First Chinese autos are going to be produced in Barcelona (Spain), initially, next in Hungary to avoid the adverse effects of import taxes and high transportation costs.
2024 is the year chosen by several Chinese manufacturers to start selling their products in several European markets, including ours. It is a risk, but also a stimulus to develop the competence. Conventional combustion motors are more competitive in prices than electrical ones, but the quality of last ones is simlar or better than those produced in the EU. Omoda and Great Wall Motor are two additional Chinese car manufacturers that arrive in Spain in 2024. Beyond the risk for EU countries, one must look as an opportunity to achieve agreements for the production by means a reconversion of old brands.
Agreement for automobile industry
Vehicles similar to (or even better than) the prototypes announced by EU brands are already being mass-produced by Chinese companies. A proof of the increasing quality according to EU standards is that the Chinese BYD Dolphin has been chosen as one of the best four vehicles with cost < € 30K for the EU in the AutoBest 24 by 31 expert journalist in motor.
During the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition 2024 (Auto China, April 2024), Marta Blazquez president of the Spanish Federation of Automotive Dealer Associations (Faconauto), has signed a collaboration agreement with the China Dealers Association. A challenge and an opportunity!
The Spanish network provides a support for Chinese car manufacturers to get their products to Spanish consumers. So, one intends to promete the mutual dialogue and encourage the dialogue between producers, distribuitors and final clients. Next steps to be done concern to increasing the partiicpation of distributors in Intl events to be held in Spain and china.
About US sanctions to the Intl Trade with China
Tariffs for Chinese cars are 100%. Those of the solar panels are 50%. This increase is a declaration of trade war. It makes no sense in the 21st century. It can only be understood in an electoral way. Protectionism is only a temporal solution. Automatic substitution of imports is not feasible. Hence, the first victims of this polcity are the own US citizens.
Some related excerpts of Mr. Wang Yi (Minister of Foreign Affairs of China) declarations about US sanctions applied to China.
·Taking unscrupulous actions against China does not prove the strength of the United States but only reveals that the United States has lost confidence and direction.
It does not solve the U.S.’s own problems but will further impede the normal functioning of global industrial and supply chains.
It will not stop China’s development and rejuvenation but will only spur the 1.4 billion Chinese people to forge ahead with greater determination.
The WTO has drawn a clear conclusion that the U.S.’s Section 301 tariffs violate WTO rules and international law.
People with basic knowledge of international trade believe that the U.S. actions hurt others as well as the United States itself.»