Recent events on AI in China

Along the World International Congress on Intelligence (Tianjin, May 17-20) experts arising from academic and industrial environements have discussed about recent achievements and challenges of Artificial Intelligence and their applications as motor of sustainable economy. IST and Industrial Internet 5G+ provided a framework for a lot of hot applied research topics. Some of the most outstanding are related to recent AI advances for automatic navigation, brain-computer interaction and generative AI.

More recently, the 6th Shanghai World AI Conference (WAIC) hold along July 6th-8th has been focused towards «Intelligent Connectivity generating future». More than 400 stands have been focused towards intelligent terminals and cutting edge technologies, between others. This meeting has become a world benchmark for cooperation and the exchange of information on AI and its applications, promoting the development of the academic and industrial sector of the region.

According to the official CGTN news agency, the Chinese government published measures on July 13 to boost the generative AI industry by ensuring security. The new regulation will enter into force on August 15. A great opportunity for the international collaboration in some of the most challenging knowledge areas. From this site we can provide a support on several aspects involving the integration of Computer Vision, Robotics and AI for informaiton systems, industrial manufacturing and automatic navigation. If you are interested, please contact me.

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